Next week Conner will be 19 months! We finally got in today for his 18 month well baby. He is doing so well! He is 26 lbs and 32 in long. He is in the 25 and 50th %tile for his height and the 50th %tile for his weight. So he's right on target. (So ha to those who say my baby is huge). He got three shots and did well with those to. He cried but as soon as he got his sticker and sucker he was okay.
Conner had his first cough a couple days ago. It was so sad hearing his little raspy voice. :( He ran a fever for about 5 or 6 days. We're not sure if it was just a little cold or if he is working on his 2 year molars. He showed teething signs but we can't see or feel anything.
We're getting really excited to see him on Christmas morning. He's going to be so excited. He loves to read his books and play outside. He is learning and talking so much more every day. He's a smart boy and we're so proud of him!
Conner also got his first haircut! He did so good! I'll post pictures in another blog another day. He looks so handsome. Although I still really miss those baby curls!