Thursday, December 17, 2009

19 months

Next week Conner will be 19 months! We finally got in today for his 18 month well baby. He is doing so well! He is 26 lbs and 32 in long. He is in the 25 and 50th %tile for his height and the 50th %tile for his weight. So he's right on target. (So ha to those who say my baby is huge). He got three shots and did well with those to. He cried but as soon as he got his sticker and sucker he was okay.

Conner had his first cough a couple days ago. It was so sad hearing his little raspy voice. :( He ran a fever for about 5 or 6 days. We're not sure if it was just a little cold or if he is working on his 2 year molars. He showed teething signs but we can't see or feel anything.

We're getting really excited to see him on Christmas morning. He's going to be so excited. He loves to read his books and play outside. He is learning and talking so much more every day. He's a smart boy and we're so proud of him!

Conner also got his first haircut! He did so good! I'll post pictures in another blog another day. He looks so handsome. Although I still really miss those baby curls!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

17 almost 18 months

I can't believe that in a few days my baby will be 1 1/2! This time has flown by. Way to fast. Conner has changed so much lately. He is talking a lot more now but is still pretty stubborn. He says "that stinks" or "that smells" all the time now. It's so cute because his voice gets so high pitched. We recently went home (thanks to my Parent's and Grandparent's). He loved being with his Grandma and Grandpa and they just ate him up like always. He was sad when we left and it broke my heart. Conner says so many different things. He pretty much tries to say anything you give him to say. He is running around and playing like crazy all day. Still naps a bit... He's like his Mama, he loves his sleep! ;) I'm not sure on his height or weight because he hasn't been to the Doctor's lately. On our scale he is 25 lbs. He'll be going in soon for a check up and to get some shots so we'll find out then. I'd love to have more little kids around for him to play with. But I don't. :( He plays with our neighbors Daughter in the evenings sometimes but he still rather do his own thing and I hate that. But oh well. So all in all he is doing awesome! He's such a good baby (yes he is still a baby! lol) and we just love him to pieces!

Ohio State

Today we had all of our Ohio State gear on so we decided to take a Family picture. Which we do not have enough of!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pumpkin patch!

We took Conner to his first Pumpkin patch on October 18th. He loved it! He loved picking out his pumpkin and he only picked up two and kept the second one..It had a long stem so it was easier for him to carry. It was pretty big too! He loves carrying it around everywhere with him. It's all skinned up and the stem broke from him falling. haha. It's cute! There was also a petting area but he is still so scared of the animals...Silly boy. It was a great day for our Family. I love getting out and doing things like that together. We'll do it every year. I was every Holiday to be special for Conner and we'll try our best to do it. Here are a few pictures from our day!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Playing with Jordan

Our neighbor Pete has a little girl who just turned one last month. Conner isn't to sure about playing with kids because he isn't around them much but he plays with Jordan outside a lot now and it's so cute to see them together. I really need to find more kids for him to interact with. She is the cutest little thing. The other night we were outside after Conner's bath and they played for a while. They kept wanting to play on the chairs. We couldn't get a good pictures because by the time we got the camera Jordan was ready to get down and Conner wasn't to sure about her sitting with It was so cute. Conner loves being outside and Jordan gets really excited to see us outside that she basically runs over here to play. It's the cutest thing!

Daddy came home

Eric left for 2 weeks. Conner was so lost without him. (me too!) Eric was worried he would need a little bit to warm back up to him... Nope not at all! As soon as he seen Eric he got the biggest smile on his face I have ever seen! I wish I would have had the camera ready! Then as soon as I put Conner in Eric's arms he gave Eric is a kiss (which he is usually really stingy with lol). And he just kept giving him kisses. It was so cute to see my boys together again. Eric leaves again on Friday. I hate when he is gone because it's so lonely and Conner misses him so much. He is a Daddy's boy all the way. Deployment isn't going to be fun. Hopefully since we're going to be in Ohio for those 6 months he'll deal better because he will be around my Parent's. We're hoping Eric will have access to a webcam so Conner can see him everyday and talk to him. You never appreciate your spouse enough until you don't have him. I have been with Eric for 4 straight years. The only times we were apart was when I went to Ohio without him. I've been spoiled and I am going to miss him so much. We are so lucky to have him.

Friday, September 25, 2009

16 months!

Conner is now 16 months old. It's hard to believe how fast time is going, and how big my baby is. He is 25 lbs and around 33" long. He has the best personality and loves to be outside. He also loves snacks and bath time. He has started getting into repeating words. He'll surprise the heck out of you when you say something to him and he repeats it back to you. He's rotten and stubborn but we love him anyway! ;) He loves being around people. He's not use to other kids because he's rarely around others but he plays pretty well with them. He loves attention and when he isn't getting it he'll find anything to do wrong to get your attention. He's funny and goofy. We are just loving every minute with him and taking it all in because really time just flies way to quick these days and in the blink of an eye he is getting bigger and bigger. He's great.

Monday, September 21, 2009


This is how Conner says "hike". I think he's going to play football when he grows up!


Conner has decided that he will finally say some words. He still refuses to say Mommy but oh well! :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Conner used the big boy potty!

Yesterday we went grocery shopping and decided to pick up a potty for Conner. I know it's early but my child is stubborn so I figured I better introduce it early. Of course I know he really won't get what's going on, but I am hoping eventually he will understand.

Well today I put him on there and he didn't go. So when I had to go I decided we would go on the potty's together and I sat him on his potty and sat down and I heard his potty singing because he went tinkle on there!!!

I cheered and we clapped and we checked out what he did! He really had no idea why Mommy was so excited but he smiled and looked. I was so proud of him. I don't plan on pushing on him. Just sitting him on there randomly during the day, and when we go to the bathroom he can sit on his. I know it's going to be a long journey but I am super excited! :)

Of course I had to take a picture of his potty!!! Woo hoo Gooooooo Conner!!!!!!!


Please excuse me laughing.. I was trying so hard to hold it in but it was WAY to funny! He wanted the socks so I put them on his hands.. It was hilarious. I'm a mean Mommy I know but it was funny.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Conner winking

He just started doing this the other day. At first we didn't know what he was doing until I winked at him and he started doing that back. He is to cute!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sweet boy

Might need to turn the volume up he was being really quiet :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Conner man mini update

Conner is doing really well! He learned a new bad thing... He can take his diaper off! lol He has been pulling at it for quite from time now but after being up a long time and not napping I peeked in to see him looking down so I looked down and ta da his diaper was on the floor. So now he must always have pants on! lol

He still is stubborn with talking. He has started saying uh-oh, and sometimes he'll say outside. I can't wait until he picks up more. I even think he has said "want that" but I'm not sure. He's rotten! He also barks when you say dog and makes monkey noises when you say monkey. He's an awesome little boy. He get more and more handsome everyday!

In other news. Eric will be leaving a lot over the next couple of months. In two weeks he'll leave for 2 weeks, and be back a week and then leave for another week and then be back a week and then leaves for 3. I hate it. Battalion life is so much different now then it was 3 years ago! I miss Spain all the time. I have been taking the separations a lot harder then I thought I would. I think most of that is the lack of support I have. But Conner and I will make it through together!

So that's our little update. Write more soon. :)

Grandma & Grandpa came!

Yep my Parent's finally came to visit us! After 6 years of waiting. :P But no really we had a great time. It was nice to have them visit us for a change, and see ours things and the life I have created since getting married 6 years ago. I hope I've made them proud. Conner LOVED all the attention from them. He loves his Grandma and Grandpa so much! <3 I wish we lived closer so he could see them all the time.

We mostly just relaxed at home together. We did take Conner to his first Zoo visit. He wasn't to interested in the animals (most of them were laying around or sleeping so he probably couldn't see half of them haha), but he loved running around and being loose. He did really well and was so good for us.

Mom and Dad were here for 8 days. Not nearly long enough! We look forward to seeing them again! Soon hopefully! :)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

6 years of marriage

It's hard to believe that 6 years ago Eric was coming home from Iraq and we'd be married on September 6, 2003. It's been an amazing 6 years and I can't wait for more. I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have Eric as my Husband. He's an amazing Husband and an even more amazing Father. We are so lucky to have him, and to call him our Hero. Happy Anniversary Babe! I love you!

Monday, August 24, 2009

My baby is 15 months old today!

Hard to believe that Conner is already 15 months old. He is doing great. He's got 10 teeth, two of those are molars. He is working on his bottom molars. Let me tell you molars are the worst ones yet! But he's actually been dealing pretty well. Little whiny but still a good boy. :) He's still such a busy body, but loves his sleep. He goes not stop until nap time or bed time. He loves to be outside which he doesn't get to do much because it's just to hot. He was outside the other day for 15 minute and woke up the next morning covered in heat rash. Poor little guy. He's such a Daddy's boy! And still only says the same words...Hi, this, that, ball, hot and Dada. Stubborn boy won't say Mama yet! Once he starts talking full blown we'll never get him to shut up though. He is so gabby! He's stubborn and doesn't listen but really is a good boy. He's got an amazing personality and is a little clown. I'm so lucky to be his Mommy and am thankful everyday for this blessing.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

He learned to spin

Conner just randomly started spinning in circles today. It was so cute. So here's a short clip I caught on my cell phone of my silly boy spinning in circles. Man I love this kid!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Eric's Birthday

Eric turned 28 on the 17th. I decorated the house, baked him a cake and made him roast for dinner. He got his new Madden game he has been wanting and some wife beaters and boxers. He had a great Birthday and I am glad he felt special for a day. His cake wasn't anything f antsy but it was made from my heart so that's the best kind. :) Here are a few pictures from his day.

Just one shot of the decorations

Conner enjoying Daddy's cake ;)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Being silly

Watch Conner's face...It cracks us up! It's not the best video because my phone sucks but it's still funny. The end is the best! :) And yes that's spaghetti all over his face lol

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Blowing kisses

Conner finally started blowing kisses. We have been trying for.ever to get him to do it. It's his own special way but it works. lol Don't mind the food in his mouth. ;)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Patty came to visit

Patty came down to visit us for two weeks. It was interesting.. I think it's hard on all of us because we view things differently then the people she lives with and how she was raised. But we are glad she came and we had a good time just hanging out and playing games together. Plus it was nice to have the company during the day! Conner loved having her here. The day she left he got up on the couch and yelled for her. It was so sad and so cute at the same time. Hopefully since we're back in the States there will be more time for her to visit us. :)

Here are a few pictures from her visit.

Night night!

For the first time, even without me saying it to him for Conner said "Night Night"! I was shocked! I got him to say it for this video but the video is only 2 seconds long because the rest of it was me trying to get him to say it again and he wans't having it. He was crabby because he was indeed ready for night nights! haha

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Funny video

Conner has learned to blow rasberries on something and make the fart noise. It's so funny and he gets such a kick out of it. This video kind of sucks but he is just to funny!

Conner is 14 months!

I can't believe how grown up my baby is! He'll be 14 months on the 24th. It's been amazing watching him grow and learn new things. He's got quite the personality and a huge attitude. He yells at you if he doesn't get what he wants and he whines quite a bit. But all around he's a really good baby. He loves to eat. Always had. He's getting huge and so independent. He's amazing. He likes to talk on phones, except when people are on them...haha. He's gabby, but doesn't say many words yet. Other than, hi, Dada, this, that and what. He has said "whos this" and "whats that" and I believe he had said "want this". He'll only say Mom when he is whining he says "Mom mom mom" so he is cabable just reluctant. lol He's stubbon....No idea where he gets that from. ;) He's working on cutting out a nap, Mommy is totally not ready for that! He loves having his big Sister here, and can't wait for Grammy and Grandpa and Auntie Jess to come visit! He loves to fun around and play and get into everything. Bath times and outside play are his favorite. Oh and he has became obsessed with his paci. It's going to be REAL fun to take that away! He's doing great! Here are a few new pictures of him. :)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Conner on his phone

I took this video on my cell phone..It's not the best but so funny. He's such a goofy boy!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Summer Fun!

We bought Conner this slip 'n slide last week. It was only $9 so we figured why not and he loves it! He's getting better with being pushed down it. The first time we did it he tried to crawl. Haha But he's getting better. He likes to walk down it and let the water hit his face more than he does to slide down it. He just loves being outside period.

Friday, July 3, 2009

We've got a climber!

Disclaimer: Don't mind our sweet snowfalk pillow Or my bra on the couch at the end of it..Focus on Conner haha! Oh and the cable to the lap top since our wireless router doesn't work. That's a vent for another day!


I was in the kitchen making jello watermelon for our 4th of July tomorrow. My cell phone was ringing in the living room but I was busy so I didn't go answer it. I looked over into the living room to find Conner sitting on the couch with my cell phone. This is the first time he had ever climbed up there before. It was so crazy to look in and see him sitting there playing with my phone! So now he's gotta learn how to get down so he doesn't fall off. So here's my big boy!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Conner reading his book

Turn your volume up!

Not the best video because it's from my cell phone and I didn't want to get to close and make him stop reading it. But this is Conner reading his book out loud. He just started doing this yesterday. I love it!

Friday, June 19, 2009

My Family

We're all doing great. Conner is about 13 months now. He's doing awesome. Still not saying much. He says Dada and refers and knows that Eric is Dada. He also points at things and says "this" and I am pretty sure he is starting to say hi but not really saying it as hi to someone. He loves his pool. We have a bigger one that we get in with him, but he can also walk around in it as well. He can get dunked now and not choke on water. Although he knows at the count of three that he is going under and whines now so we don't do it. lol He's awesome though and is our world!

Eric's enjoying being back in Battalion. It kind of sucks at times but he's much happier here then he was in Spain. We sometimes miss Spain, but are enjoying the States. We are finally going to have visitors this summer and I am super excited. Patty might be coming down, still not sure yet. My best friend Jess will be down here the middle of August with her boyfriend, Gary. CAN'T WAIT! And then a week after they leave my Mom and Dad will be down here! We are so excited! Our friends from Texas (we just went to their wedding) may be coming in for a little visit before Summer is over too. It's great!

So all in all we are doing awesome. Happy and healthy and that's all that matters! We're holding strong and going through the rough patches that life keeps throwing at us. We can make it through anything! I'm blessed to have such an amazing Family and amazing friends.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Fingerpainting with Conner!

A friend told me the recipe so we decided to try to tonight and he loved it. Thank God we did it outside because he made a huge mess out of all of us and the ground! But it's my first fridge art from my baby so I am excited! :)

Here are a few pictures from the lovely event!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Conner's one year well baby

Conner had his appointment today and is now 22 lbs 14 oz and 30 1/2 in long. He is doing great! She said he is the perfect weight for his height. But I knew he was perfect anyway. ;) He had to get 4 shots today and blood drawn to check his iron. He cried but did good! He's a good boy. He's definitely Toddler now and hits and pinches. Oh what fun! But he's doing well. We're still working on talking. But he's still doing great and we're just enjoying the Summer weather! I'll post some pictuers of him in his pool another time!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Conner cracking up at Daddy

Yet another Conner video! The first laugh was the best but we weren't expecting but at least he kept laughing so I could get it on camera. He's getting so giggly...Mostly when he sleepy. He doesn't crack up like this often enough! Gotta love this little boy!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Our baby is one!

Well last Sunday it happened...Our baby boy turned one! It's amazing how fast it went, but yet I can't picture our lives before him. Seems like he has been with us forever. He's amazing in so many ways. He's a little comedian and always has us laughing. He still doesn't talk much, but we're hoping he'll get there eventually! Conner had a great Birthday in West Virginia with all of our Family. He got many new toys and lots of cute clothes. He LOVED his cake. Conner is also having a party tomorrow with a few friends down here. Nothing big. It should be fun. We're looking forward to another amazing year with our little guy. I love watching him grow and learn new things daily! Conner is also finally sleeping through the night. It only took a year. Haha. That's the best present he could have given us! :P We love watching his own little personality shine through. He's just amazing!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Conner is almost one!

I can't believe that Conner will be turning one in 11 days! I am so excited and ready for the next step in his life. He's such an amazing little boy. He's so smart. He is rotten as all get out, but he has such a great personality. We think he's going to be the class clown. He's a little jokester already! He's just a big goof. He walks around like he's been doing it his whole life. He loves to play by himself, but loves to play with you more. Conner will be having two parties. One in West Virginia at our Family Reunion, and one down here in Mississippi with a few close friends. We can't wait to see all of our Family and have everyone finally get to meet Conner. I'll also get to meet my Cousin's baby! We've missed so much since being in Spain. It's nice to be back in the States but I sometimes miss it. I had high expectations for being back down here and I've been let down quite a bit, but that's life. We're just trying to get settled back into Battalion life. Eric's first deployment will be the beginning of next year. It's still a bit away, but it makes me sad everytime I think about it. It's going to be hard, but we can do it. Well that's us for now! I'll update after Conner's Parties & his 1 year appointment!

Friday, May 1, 2009

When you say "Oww" it hurts his feelings. lol He hurt me and I screamed oww and he cried. Drama king! But it's so funny. He's not a good faker, it's pitiful actually! haha Note the end of it...Hilarious this kid is the most rotten kid I have ever met! I have no clue where he got it from. ;)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

11 months old

Conner is now 11 months old! It's crazy that next month we will be celebrating our babies first Birthday! I am so excited and proud! It's been a crazy ride but we've loved every minute of it! Conner is now completely a walker. He is saying Dada and knows it's Eric now. He'll repeat it when I say Daddy. It's so cute! He says Mama but not as much as Dada. We can also get him to say uh oh but that's rare. He is *kind of* waving, or at least trying too. Conner is teething and getting his top two in. They are giving him a heck of a time so he's been crabby and not sleeping well. Poor guy! Well that's about it. Here are a few pictures from our trip to the park & beach! :)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Our trip home

Conner and I went to visit Ohio for a week! It was so much fun and was so great for everyone to see how big my little guy has gotten. He was walking before, but perfected it while we were home. He loved being with Grandma and Grandpa! They just ate him up and he loved everyone minute of it! He was spoiled rotten, but it's the same way at home. ;) He always had everyone laughing. I sure wish we could be closer to home, all the time. But that's the life of a Military Family! Sucks at times. But we plan on going home, hopefully again in October. But Grandma & Grandpa are coming down to MS in September! We can't wait! Oh and can you believe it...Conner will be one, in about a month! It's so exciting and we're going to be planning and buying things soon. His first party will be in West Virginia because of the Family Reunion. Kind of works out perfect so we can have a Family party! Can't wait to see everyone! And everyone in Ohio...We miss you already!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Conner's goofy self!

Conner started tucking his head down and crawling like a mad man the other day. This video doesn't give it justice but it's SOOOO funny! He's such a goof. Right at the end of the video when it cuts off he rammed into the door frame. :( Poor guy. It was funny, but only after he stopped crying. lol He's just a ham!

Monday, April 6, 2009

We have a walker!

Conner is now a walker. He walks any chance he gets. He doesn't walk to far without falling, and then he'll crawl of course but anytime he stands up, he lets go to walk. It's so awesome! We love watching him walk around, he looks so cute. Growing up so quick! So at 10 months our baby is walking! Soon he'll be walking everywhere and we won't be able to stop him! haha.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Conner and I are going to Ohio for a week. Mom & Dad bought us a ticket and we'll be heading to Ohio in 10 days. [Dear Kaden you HAVE to wait until after the 21st, okay that's an order. I know Mommy hurts and is ready but Auntie Cindy needs you to wait ;) ] We got an awesome ticket that has no stops! It's a short visit, but it'll be so much fun. I can't wait for everyone to see Conner and how much he has changed since January. So there you have it... Surprise we are coming home!

Funny faces

Conner was being a goofball today and making all kinds of funny faces and smiling really big. Little cheeser! So here are a few pictures. A litte update on Conner man... He is almost walking! He takes probably 7 or more steps before falling but he tries and tries all the time. Just recently started trying on his own. He eats mostly table food, never really baby food unless it's a fruit or dessert. He also has had the toddler meals and really likes those. He loves fruits and veggies. I think he might be a Mama's boy, but loves when Daddy comes home. He started sleeping through the night, thank the Lord! He started that really about 9 1/2 months. Right now he has 3 teeth (you can see the top on in pictures). He's working on the other side to come in. Teething sucks. lol But he still stays in a pretty good mood though. He's just amazing. These last 10 months with him have been nothing short of perfect. It's been a long road at times but I wouldn't have it any other way!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Conner can copy

So Conner has started to copy what you do with certain things. Today we did "nooo" and he'd shake his head. It's so cute! He is such a rotten boy! Love 'em more than life itself!!

Keep in mind this is from my cell phone so it's not the best quality!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

March 24 - 10 months old!

My baby is 10 months old today! That means.. in two months my baby will be one! It's so amazing! I have loved every second of being his Mommy. Conner is finally, almost sleeping through the night! It's weird waking up and knowing that we just had 8 1/2 hours of straight, uninterrupted sleep! Sometimes more! :) He is eating so many different things, and loves everything he eats! Even if he doesn't like it, he'll eat it. He's a goat! He's hilarous and I think he's going to be quite the jokster when he grows up! He loves playing on the floor with us and climbing all over. He hates being alone. All in all he's perfect and we couldn't ask for a better baby!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Taking steps

Conner is taking steps now! It's amazing! He's getting good at standing on his own for a few seconds at a time. We practice all day. haha. He amazes me everyday with the things he does. I love watching him grow and learn. I am excited to see him walking on his own, more than a few steps. Here's the few steps we caught on tape this morning! Once he is full blown walking we'll get a video of that up here! Oh and not to mention he turns 10 months old on the 24th! Wow how time flies! Two more months and my baby will be one years old! It's amazing.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Walking Toy

This is a video of Conner with his new walking toy that Steve and Bree brought over for him. He loves it and it didn't take him long to get the hang of it! It won't be long before my little guy is walking around the house!! Isn't it cute!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Our Family 3.12.09

We are all doing great! Conner is growing like a weed. I swear he looks more like a one year old than a 9 1/2 month old. He's got an amazing personality and always has us laughing. He's got his Mama's temper and I believe he is a lot more stubborn! Definitely has a little attitude of his own! He's has had milk for the first time today actually and loved it. He's still having some trouble with his sippy cups, we just have to find the perfect one for him. But all in all we are all doing great and settling in Mississippi. I miss Spain at times...shhh, but it's great down here and we have so many friends around us! That's all for now! :)

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Conner at nine months!

Conner turned 9 months old on February 24th. He is 21.8 lbs and 30 in long. He eats any chance he gets. He loves eating when we are eating, and whatever we are eating. It's fun watching him explore new tastes. He also is in his big boy car seat!

He now crawls like crazy. He pulls up on anything he can reach and walks along furniture. He's getting a couple more teeth on top. Unfortunately he doesn't sleep through the night yet. We're working on that! He's great with finger foods, and likes his sippy cup. He's definitely a Daddy's boy! He lights up whenever he sees him.

He amazes us everyday and he is such a happy baby!