Conner is doing really well! He learned a new bad thing... He can take his diaper off! lol He has been pulling at it for quite from time now but after being up a long time and not napping I peeked in to see him looking down so I looked down and ta da his diaper was on the floor. So now he must always have pants on! lol
He still is stubborn with talking. He has started saying uh-oh, and sometimes he'll say outside. I can't wait until he picks up more. I even think he has said "want that" but I'm not sure. He's rotten! He also barks when you say dog and makes monkey noises when you say monkey. He's an awesome little boy. He get more and more handsome everyday!
In other news. Eric will be leaving a lot over the next couple of months. In two weeks he'll leave for 2 weeks, and be back a week and then leave for another week and then be back a week and then leaves for 3. I hate it. Battalion life is so much different now then it was 3 years ago! I miss Spain all the time. I have been taking the separations a lot harder then I thought I would. I think most of that is the lack of support I have. But Conner and I will make it through together!
So that's our little update. Write more soon. :)
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