Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Happy Birthday, Eric!

Today is Eric's 29th Birthday. Another milestone down in our deployment countdown. I really wish we were with him today to celebrate, but we're going big next year for his 30th! Sucks he has to spend his Birthday working hard in Africa, but he's doing good over there. They are working hard. Now they have to work from 5:30 am to 5:30 pm because they are behind on their projects. I guess the only good thing is it'll help time go by faster. We've got 25 weeks down. It's crazy thinking it's August 17 and Eric left February 18th. Sounds so far apart! Feels good to have this time under our belt and to be over half way done. I remember back to counting down to the half way mark.

So Happy Birthday Eric. We love you so much!