Tuesday, October 25, 2011

11 October 11

We had an appointment on Friday the 7th of October. I was checked to see if I was dilated and I was 3 cm, could be stretched for 4. My blood pressure, even on pills, was still running high so he decided to schedule me for an induction. It was scheduled for Tuesday, October 11th.

The night before we took Conner to Kimberly's house for his very first sleepover. I was a nervous wreck because 1, I hate being away from him, and 2 he's never been away from us like that. He did pretty well other then having to sleep with Kimberly's, Husband.

We woke up Tuesday morning a 3:30 am. I wanted to shower and get the last few things together. We left the house around 4:45 and arrived at the Hospital shortly after 5 am. We got put into our room, Suit 5. I got blood drawn and my IV started (which I hated where they put my IV, it was in the side of my wrist. SO uncomfortable! And in my right hand too!). We had to wait until we got a steady reading of the babies heart rate. He kept bouncing around and going off the monitors. Finally at 7 am the Pitocin was started. They slowly increase it by 2's. At the point of check in I was still 3 cm, and having contractions that I couldn't feel yet. I got on the birthing ball to bounce around and try to get things moving along. While on the ball she upped my pitocin to 8. Things started getting really intense. My contractions were happening back to back so they had to turn it back down to 4 because it wasn't giving the baby any time to rest. (Not to mention me either! haha). I took the contractions as long as I could (this was the first time I had ever felt them, with Conner I had my epi way before I started feeling contractions) before I asked for my epi. I knew I wanted to at least be 7 cm to get my epi, and she checked me and I was 6, almost 7 so I told them I'd like my epi now.

So before they came to put my epidural in, she broke my water. Luckily they came in right after because man did things get really intense in those few minutes. After getting my epidural in I felt a sense of relief. The two things I was most nervous about was feeling the contractions, and getting my epidural. So it felt good to sit and relax and try to rest for a little before the time came. I was prepared for a long birth because with Conner I pushed for 2 hours. They had to stop my pitocin because an emergency C-Section came in and there wouldn't be any doctors on the floor to deliver me if things moved to quickly. I was kind of disappointed because I was still at 7 cm at this point when she checked me again. About an hour later she came in to check me again before they went in for the C-Section and she said "It's time to push!". I was in shock because I was not expecting those last 3 cm to blow by that quickly. So I just kind of looked around confused on what was happening lol This was around 11:50 and Carter was born at 12:05. I got to hold him right away and snuggled him for a while. I had to hold a tube by him to give him some oxygen but he was doing great. I really enjoyed those moments with him, just taking in everything about him and how precious he was, and that he was finally here! I couldn't believe I was a Mother of 2! They took him to wash him up, and weigh him. He was 6 lbs 9 oz and 19 3/4 in long.

Conner adored him as soon as he saw him. He held him a lot more then I expected him to want to, but it was so sweet to see him so inlove with his little Brother. Carter just fit right into our little Family. <3

Monday, October 3, 2011

Carter Edward

We finally picked a name. Carter Edward Bayer. Carter has been our top runner for a while. I just kept second guessing myself because it's so close to Conner. Edward is in memory of Eric's, Dad who passed away last year. I am glad we are able to honor him. It feels good to have a name for our little guy.

Wednesday I will be 37 weeks. My BP is still running high, but I think they are putting off induction as long as we can. We just can't wait to meet our little guy. So far he is still looking great, measuring about 6 lbs last week. Everything else still looks good, just high blood pressure. We are pretty much ready. A few odds and ends that I WANT, but we'll get those eventually!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

It's September!

I can not believe how fast this year is going. On one hand it's good because our little guy will be here soon, but on the other it's sad because Eric leaves again in January and I am not ready to go through that again. Especially because Conner is older and can really say, and express how he feels and him telling me how much he misses and wants Daddy is going to be completely heart breaking!

Conner is doing great. He just started soccer yesterday and loves it. He's pretty good too, I mean for a 3 year old. :) He's all mouth these days, and that's not in a good way. He's so mouthy! We've been trying really hard to nip that in the butt before the baby comes. I am sure things will get worse once the baby comes and he realizes how different it's going to be. Right now he is excited to have his baby Brother though. He's doing great though and we love him to pieces!

As for me, I am doing good. I am 34 weeks pregnant today. I started having high blood pressure at my last appointment so I've been being monitored twice a week. We do non stress tests every Tuesday, and Friday. On Tuesday's they do an ultra sound to measure the fluid around him. Yesterday we finally got a doctor that let us look at that baby and showed us that it is indeed a boy! :) It was so cute! I really wish we could get a 3D ultra sound but it's so much money, and such a long trip to get one so we won't be getting one this time around. Other then that the baby looks great, and he's doing awesome. I get pretty tired these days and have already reached the "I'm done feeling". This pregnancy has been a lot harder on me then Conner's was. I also have "stretched out muscles" at the top of my stomach that causes me pain really easily if I over do it in the slightest. It wears me out! But I am doing good and am thankful to be able to go through all of this to have another miracle to call our own. :)

Eric is also doing good. Working a lot. I think he's enjoying it though because he doesn't complain. He's an awesome Daddy and has really taken over taking care of Conner when he gets home. Which I am so thankful for. He's always been an awesome Daddy anyways though! He takes good care of his Family and I couldn't ask for a better Husband! <3

So all in all we are all doing fabulous, and thankful for all we have. Just trying to get by, and enjoy our last few months together before deployment.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Time to update!

Well it's August now, last time I checked in was June! It's been a busy summer to say the least. Conner and I left on June 24th to head to Ohio for Jessica's wedding. We had one hell of an adventure! About a week after I got there I spent two nights in the hospital due to pain on the left side of my back. I found out that I had kidney stones. Let me tell you it was the worst pain I have ever felt in my life! They say it's worse then labor pain, I can't really say if it is because I didn't feel much labor pain with Conner. lol So I took it easy most of the time because I was in a lot of pain and once they pasted I still took it easy because I didn't want to push myself and end up not being able to come home. My amazing parents helped so much and let me take it easy. I also have stretched out muscles at the top of my stomach from Conner's pregnancy and it's been causing me a lot of pain lately. Especially when I lift Conner to much, or do simple things like walking around, or vacuuming. It's becoming miserable.

I am currently 28 weeks, which means I am 7 months pregnant. I can't believe we are so close to the end. I can't wait to meet this little guy, but also don't want the rest of the year to continue going so fast because Eric will deploy.

We have been away from Eric for a month and a half. We were coming home to see him before he left for FEX, but our flight got cancelled due to the Airport not having power, so we ended up staying in Ohio for 2 more weeks. We are home now, and waiting for his return. We can't wait to see him! Conner is getting really antsy to see him. Every night he cries for him. It breaks my heart, and makes me dread deployment even more.

Speaking of Conner. He's doing well. Mouthy ;) and full of energy. He's so smart it scares me! He is smart, but stubborn when it comes to learning things like numbers, letters and colors. So we're going to have to start buckling down and finding fun ways to get them across to him. He LOVED being home with Grandma, and Grandpa. I love seeing him with them, and I know they treasure the time with him. My boys are lucky to have Grandparent's like that. :)

So we're all doing well. It's been crazy, but okay. We also had to deal with fleas when we got home, and that was an adventure that I NEVER want to take again. Being 7 months pregnant, and having a 3 year old and JUST getting off the plane the night before and then having to clean an entire house, take my cats to the vet and get my house treated and keep us out of the house for 4 hours wasn't easy. I've been keeping up with cleaning and vacuuming so we can finally get rid of these bugs. Fleas are the worst!

So that's that :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Our big, bad 3 year old!

It's still weird to me that we have a Preschooler! The past 3 years have just flown by, but I've loved every minute of it! Conner is doing great. So far age 3 has been quite a work out and we're not even a month into it yet..lol.. He's a mouthy little man these days. I miss my sweet, innocent, none verbal baby boy.. Haha. He still has his sweet moments on a rare occasion.

He had his 3 year appointment yesterday, the 14th. He is weighing in at 33 lbs and is 37 in tall. I always though he was tall, but I guess not.. Haha But he's doing great and healthy as can be. We are going to be referred to a surgeon because Conner's hernia he's had since birth is still there, so we're going to make sure it doesn't require any surgery. I really pray it doesn't.

Conner also lost his paci when he turned 3. I always vowed my children would not have them past 2, at the latest. When Conner turned 1 the paci became bed time only. It wasn't allowed to leave his crib, except for traveling. Well the night before Conner's 3rd Birthday was the last time he had a paci. It wasn't planned, but it just worked out that way. We took a trip to Ohio to surprise my Mom for her 50th Birthday, and we left on Conner's Birthday. That night he slept in bed with us and didn't ask for it so we just went with it. I had it on my carry on, because usually on the plane he asks for it, but he never did. Occasionally, usually at nap time, he'd bring it up but I'd just change the subject, or tell him they were taken to babies who needed them because he was a big boy. And since then he has been paci free. :) Went a lot better then I expected.

After we returned from our 10 day trip we got our 3 bedroom house on base. FINALLY. We are in it now, and still have some stuff to get done but Eric's been working really late so it's been kind of slow. Anyways.. We asked Conner if he wanted a big boy bed in his new room, or if he wanted to say in his crib (we never took him out of it because he never tried to get out, he loved his crib) and at first he didn't want a big boy bed, and the night before we moved he decided he wanted a big boy bed. The first night went a lot better then I expected. He got out once and said he didn't want to go night nights lol Then we put him back in bed, and he cried for a little bit but never got up again. Now you hear him get up, open and shut his door and then he usually goes to sleep.

It's amazing how much has changed over the last 3 years, but they've been a great 3 years and I can't wait to watch him grown and learn over the next year. We love you Bug!

Friday, June 10, 2011

It's A....

We had our Ultrasound the other day and found out that we are having another boy! I didn't really care either way, as long as my baby was healthy. I kept going back and forth on if I'd want a girl, or just another boy. I admit I was a little bummed it wasn't a girl, but now I am thrilled it's a boy. I am excited to finally know and call him, a him. We're having a heck of a time with names. With everything else going on we haven't really talked about them much anyways. Hopefully we figure one out soon so we can start calling him by his name and making it a little more real for Conner.

Conner was always going on about having a baby sister. Not that I really think he understands anyways, but when we told him it was a brother he would always say no sister. Now he will say things about having a baby brother, and slips once in a while and says baby sister. He picked him out a outfit today. :) It was so cute. I want to include him in on everything. Never want him to feel left out of our decisions. He even told the lady at the check out that he picked that for his baby brother <3 Talk about melt my heart! He's such an awesome Big Brother and I hope it continues to be that way!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

It's been a while - Update

Well it's been to long since I updated! The biggest news in our life is we are expecting baby number two in October! I am currently 15 weeks along, and have about 5 weeks to go until we find out what this little pumpkin is!

In other news.. Conner will be 3 in less than a month. We have no plans for anything because we are slackers! Haha! He's doing amazing. He's the best little boy I know. He keeps us on our toes, and always has us laughing. I've said it all along, he'll be the class clown for sure! He repeats everything, and with this comes along with swearing. He shocked us dropping the F bomb the one day. That's when it all started. He was playing with his trucks and said "what the f*ckkkk". Yeah and it just snowballed from there lol Hard not to laugh, but also don't want him to keep it up. Yesterday he had his balls from his ball pit out in the living room, after he woke up from his nap he came downstairs and said "holy shit my balls are everywhere" I laughed so freaking hard, while at the same time trying to tell him we don't say that because it's not nice. He always uses them at the perfect times, which makes it harder to correct him because you can't help but laugh. We've gotten a lot better with swearing. I don't need him saying those nasty things when he's suppose to be my sweet innocent boy lol

Eric is back into Battalion life. He was in School for 3 months. It's quite a change. Since he's a 1st class now he's got so much more responsibilities. I miss the set schedule of School, but it's all working out. We're trying to plan a secret trip, but we are waiting for leave to be approved. I really hope we can pull it off! :)

Mother's Day is this weekend. I have so much to be thankful for on Mother's Day, and I wish I could spend it with my Mom. She is one of my best friends, and I'd be lost without her. She spent her years raising me to be the person I am today, and now we get to spend our days being best friends. We talk everyday, sometimes multiple times a day. On her days off we can spend hours on the phone just shootin' the shit about this, that and the other. She's also an amazing Grandma. Conner loves her to pieces and I don't blame him. :) I'm also the luckiest Mom to have such an awesome Son, and another baby on the way. I am so thankful!

So I think that's about it! We're all doing great! :)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Our big boy!

Well as we all know Conner is heading towards 3, quick. Since Eric got home, and we got settled back down here in MS we have been talking about the potty a lot more with Conner. I didn't want to be pushy, and have us both be frustrated. He started showing little signs.. Like telling us 15-20 minutes before he even pooped, that he had to poop. That really started on our trip down here, and I thought it was because he couldn't push it out while sitting in his carseat, but he continued to tell us after we got home.

Well the other day we put him in undies and he wet two pairs within 15 minutes, so we then just put a diaper back on him. He kept telling us no that he wouldn't sit on the potty. Today after his nap we put underwear on him, and he told Eric he had to go potty.. So he went upstairs and sat on his potty and went pee!! So we brought his potty downstairs because he kept saying "poop poop" so we knew he was going to have to go soon. Well we were sitting in the living room and I heard him go in the bathroom and was banging around and he had taken off his undies and was sitting on his potty so I turned the light on and walked away. I peeked around the corner and he was pushing (who knew seeing your kid push poop out could be so exciting!!), and he stood up, and I went in there and TA-DA! there was poop in there! HE POOPED ON THE POTTY!! We screamed and was so excited and he got a prize. (After going pee on the potty he got his prize of a red car I have been holding onto for months). So our big boy has used the potty, on his own! I think that's the most exciting part, is that he went in there on his own and just did his thing! It was amazing and I am so proud of my baby! I am sad to see him in undies, he looks so grown up, but I am so proud of him!

I know this may be a long road, and he will have accidents and all that jazz but this is a huge step in the right direction! GO CONNER! Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you!

Monday, January 3, 2011

The end of our year

On December 10, at 6:30 am we arrived to pick up Eric. We got settled and put up our welcome home signs and Eric pulled in on their buses around 6:45. Nothing can describe the way you feel when you first lay eyes on them. This homecoming was more special then our others because Conner was seeing Daddy for the first time in 10 months. Once Conner spotted him he looked at him for a minute and then ran to him and gave him a huge hug. It melted my heart. Then it was my turn to get my hugs and kisses. It's such an amazing feeling! Eric has been home almost a month now and it still gives me butterflies that he is actually home.

After Eric got home we flew to Ohio on the 16th. We went home to celebrate Christmas with my Family and to get to bring the rest of our stuff down, and our Escape. While we were home Conner got his first flu bug. It was miserable, especially since Eric and I caught it as well. I've never had to deal with Conner sick like that before. He's had tummy bugs, and stuffy noses but nothing every to extreme. His lasted the longest, 6 days. Luckily he only was throwing up for 2-3 of those days. I was so sad for my baby. :( We didn't get a lot done while we were home because of being sick, and preparing for Christmas but it was awesome to spend everyday with Eric, and to wake up next to him. It was a bitter sweet moment when we left. I was so sad to be leaving my Parent's, but excited to get to my new home and start our year together.

Our trip down was LONG. We took two days and with the Uhaul being pulled by the Escape we couldn't go faster then 60. It felt so long, especially since Conner and I just had made the trip a month earlier with my Dad, and then we were going 80 and got here much quicker. But I always love car trips with Eric because we just talk and catch up. It's always nice. Conner did really well, and so did the cats. We are lucky because Conner has been traveling his whole life so he does really good. Our DVD player is our best investment. He will just sit back there and watch movies and sleep. He gets restless, but so do I and I am 25 haha.

We got down to MS on the 30th and have had lots to do. Unloading the truck and going through all the boxes and toys from Ohio. I have moved twice in a month. Once from the storage unit, and then from Ohio. It's been a crazy month. I can't wait to get our house all set up and just live. It's starting to feel more and more like home though, which I love. Conner has been happy to be home. When we first left Ohio in November, Conner acted out a lot and was sad because he missed everyone. Once we got back down here again he kept saying "home sweet home" and it's so sweet and makes me feel a lot better that he is happy to be down here. I know he misses everyone, and will miss them always. Everyone in Ohio loves him so much and gives him so much attention. I think he'll miss his Papa the most, but has fallen back into Daddy;s boy rather quickly, which makes me so happy.

So my Family is back together and doing great. As for me.. I feel amazing. How couldn't I? I spent last year being miserable. I let everyone get to me and worried about everyone but myself. I didn't like the person I was last year, well I guess it was two years ago now..lol But anyway I am changing myself for the better this year. I am going to enjoy my baby boy, and my Husband and not worry about how many friends I have or why we aren't hanging out with everyone. People do nothing but stress me out and make me feel bad so I am just living for my Family. I won't let anything bring me down this year. I have my friends back home that I know I can count on. While they may not be here, I know they are always here for me. I've met a few ladies through Eric that he has known for years and I think we hit it off well. I'm hoping we spend lots of time with them. Especially since one of the ladies is also a 7 wife so we'll be going through next deployment, and even FEX together. So it will be nice.

That's how we are doing.. amazing and happy. :)