Sunday, April 26, 2009

11 months old

Conner is now 11 months old! It's crazy that next month we will be celebrating our babies first Birthday! I am so excited and proud! It's been a crazy ride but we've loved every minute of it! Conner is now completely a walker. He is saying Dada and knows it's Eric now. He'll repeat it when I say Daddy. It's so cute! He says Mama but not as much as Dada. We can also get him to say uh oh but that's rare. He is *kind of* waving, or at least trying too. Conner is teething and getting his top two in. They are giving him a heck of a time so he's been crabby and not sleeping well. Poor guy! Well that's about it. Here are a few pictures from our trip to the park & beach! :)

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