Tuesday, July 27, 2010

End of July update

Well July is finally coming to an end. I'm happy to see it go. It makes another month down of deployment, and that much closer to Fall, which is THAT much closer to Eric's homecoming!

Eric has finally moved to his new location in Africa and has started his work there. If you'd like to know more you can check out my Military Wife blog for details. He's doing good and says it's beautiful there. When he shares pictures I'll be sharing them here, and my other blog. I can't wait to see where he is living. They'll be there for 3 months, then head back to Spain to HEAD HOME!

Conner is doing well. Growing like a mad man. Changing daily! He's so grown up it scares me! He can now ride his bike all by himself! I'm thinking by the end of this week he'll be able to ride, ride it. Right now he goes a little then stops. It's so cute, but sad because he looks so grown up!

I'm doing well.. Just counting the days until Eric's return. I got a tattoo on July 12th. It's on my foot and is dog tags with Eric's name on them. I love it, and I am proud of it. Some people may think it's silly, or stupid to get a mans name on your body, but I love Eric and I plan on spending the rest of my life with him and don't regret it one bit. I am just living the days taking care of Conner and waiting for Eric's call.

So we're all doing good. Pretty much just sums up to... We want Eric home. :)

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