Tuesday, July 27, 2010

End of July update

Well July is finally coming to an end. I'm happy to see it go. It makes another month down of deployment, and that much closer to Fall, which is THAT much closer to Eric's homecoming!

Eric has finally moved to his new location in Africa and has started his work there. If you'd like to know more you can check out my Military Wife blog for details. He's doing good and says it's beautiful there. When he shares pictures I'll be sharing them here, and my other blog. I can't wait to see where he is living. They'll be there for 3 months, then head back to Spain to HEAD HOME!

Conner is doing well. Growing like a mad man. Changing daily! He's so grown up it scares me! He can now ride his bike all by himself! I'm thinking by the end of this week he'll be able to ride, ride it. Right now he goes a little then stops. It's so cute, but sad because he looks so grown up!

I'm doing well.. Just counting the days until Eric's return. I got a tattoo on July 12th. It's on my foot and is dog tags with Eric's name on them. I love it, and I am proud of it. Some people may think it's silly, or stupid to get a mans name on your body, but I love Eric and I plan on spending the rest of my life with him and don't regret it one bit. I am just living the days taking care of Conner and waiting for Eric's call.

So we're all doing good. Pretty much just sums up to... We want Eric home. :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Life with a toddler

...Is full of so many different emotions!

I love watching Conner grow, and learn. I love hearing him say new words, especially the ones he says wrong. It's so cute. He has started to say bug, but most of the time he calls them momey's.. I have NO clue where he got that from but it's so cute. He also refers to himself as, Nonney. Whenever he wants something he'll say his name, he also talks in 3rd person a lot. lol

He's doing really well. Growing like a weed. We're missing Eric, and he asks about him a lot and will point out Daddy's things in my room. I love that it's been 5 months and Conner remembers him so well. He points him out in pictures all the time, and on my phone. He gets so excited. So I am holding hope that in 5 months he will still remember him and be excited to see him when he gets back, instead of scared.

Conner definitely has his moments (as do I). He gets mad and yells at the top of his lungs when he's mad. He's not a very good listener to say the least. He doesn't really throw tantrums, but he gets mad and just yells or throws things. He's VERY persistent when he wants something, which can drive you crazy. He's not at all interested in the potty, and I'm not pushing it yet. I fear that if I do we'll both just get frustrated and it's going to take longer then it needs to. So we're just taking it day by day. I'm hoping when Eric gets home we'll get him more interested in it and can work on it together.

Eric is doing well. He has moved to his new location and will be there for a couple of months before heading back to Spain to pack up to come home! I CAN'T wait for homecoming day. I get so excited just thinking about it. I think about our homecoming sign, and getting Conner a cute shirt made to welcome Daddy home. It's going to be one of the best days of our lives!I'm REALLY hoping that he comes home more towards the of November, but as Military Wives you learn to hope, but not expect, because in the end you can be left with a broken heart.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July '08, '09, and 2010

I always love going back and comparing pictures of Conner.
So here are pictures from the last three July's. He's changed so much!

July 2008

July 2009

July 2010

Time to update!

Well it's been a while since I updated on our Family!

We're all doing well. Eric is working hard on deployment and we're almost at the half way mark! I can't wait to finally be over the hump! He is getting ready to leave for Africa this week. He'll be there for 90 days and then head back to Spain to finish out deployment.

Conner is doing great. He's talking so much and really starting to put a lot of words together. He's definitely a Toddler and throws many tantrums/screaming fits. He's got a great personality though. He's so fun, and loves to make people laugh. He's a goofball really. He's still obsessed with Mickey Mouse. It's the only show he will watch. His favorite toy at the moment is a shopping cart our friends gave him. He pushes it everywhere he goes. He likes to sleep at night with his blankie, Dada Bear, and his mickey. Oh and of course his paci (yes he still gets it). He's really grown up.. It's amazing.

I'm doing well, also. My surgery went well and I have healed up really nicely. I have gotten back to pretty much normal the past week or so. My jaw was pretty tight for a while but now I can eat anything I want. I'm very excited because I've lost so much weight since Eric left. I am now wearing a size 5, sometimes 3. I have started riding a bike with Conner and he loves it. I really just need to tone up now to be where I want to be. I am only 3 lbs heavier then I was before I got pregnant. I've been keeping myself pretty busy. Hanging out with friends any chance I get. I am going to miss my Family and Friends so much when I go back to MS, but I am so ready to have Eric home and be a Family again. We love and miss him so much!

Oh yeah and at Conner's 2 year well baby he was 27 lbs and 34 3/4 in tall :)