Thursday, April 22, 2010

23 months old!

I can not believe my baby boy is 23 months, meaning next month he will be turning 2! It's amazing how time flies, and how much he changes daily. He talks so much now. I know once he starts sentences we'll never get him to shut up. But I'm okay with that. He's a smart little man, like his Daddy. :) He says things that I just adore. Like..

Bus- Buck (and he rolls the k)
His Uncle Mike is- Miney
Helicopter- Copta (you kind of have to hear him say it though lol)
He calls birds ducks lol

I'm sure there are plenty more but those are all I can think of. I just love him learning new words. It amazes me. He now has a size 8 foot! And is slowly getting into all 2t's. They are a little big still but almost there. He LOVES being outside, always has. He's our little explorer. I love when he says 'bess you'. He says it when you sneeze, couch, clear your throat, yawn or burp. 'Bess you' also means think you... Love that! He has really gotten into playing with his Daddy's old cars that we found in his Grandpa's things. He also loves being with balls, he has a billion of them. He is still obsessed with Mickey Mouse. He is learning all of the character names, which is so cute! So he will be having a Mickey Mouse birthday. I am looking and deciding on those now!

We are so proud of our little man. He is a really good baby. Other then whining almost all day, over almost anything. lol But all in all we are very lucky with him. We love you Conner Man!

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