Thursday, July 23, 2009

Funny video

Conner has learned to blow rasberries on something and make the fart noise. It's so funny and he gets such a kick out of it. This video kind of sucks but he is just to funny!

Conner is 14 months!

I can't believe how grown up my baby is! He'll be 14 months on the 24th. It's been amazing watching him grow and learn new things. He's got quite the personality and a huge attitude. He yells at you if he doesn't get what he wants and he whines quite a bit. But all around he's a really good baby. He loves to eat. Always had. He's getting huge and so independent. He's amazing. He likes to talk on phones, except when people are on them...haha. He's gabby, but doesn't say many words yet. Other than, hi, Dada, this, that and what. He has said "whos this" and "whats that" and I believe he had said "want this". He'll only say Mom when he is whining he says "Mom mom mom" so he is cabable just reluctant. lol He's stubbon....No idea where he gets that from. ;) He's working on cutting out a nap, Mommy is totally not ready for that! He loves having his big Sister here, and can't wait for Grammy and Grandpa and Auntie Jess to come visit! He loves to fun around and play and get into everything. Bath times and outside play are his favorite. Oh and he has became obsessed with his paci. It's going to be REAL fun to take that away! He's doing great! Here are a few new pictures of him. :)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Conner on his phone

I took this video on my cell phone..It's not the best but so funny. He's such a goofy boy!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Summer Fun!

We bought Conner this slip 'n slide last week. It was only $9 so we figured why not and he loves it! He's getting better with being pushed down it. The first time we did it he tried to crawl. Haha But he's getting better. He likes to walk down it and let the water hit his face more than he does to slide down it. He just loves being outside period.

Friday, July 3, 2009

We've got a climber!

Disclaimer: Don't mind our sweet snowfalk pillow Or my bra on the couch at the end of it..Focus on Conner haha! Oh and the cable to the lap top since our wireless router doesn't work. That's a vent for another day!


I was in the kitchen making jello watermelon for our 4th of July tomorrow. My cell phone was ringing in the living room but I was busy so I didn't go answer it. I looked over into the living room to find Conner sitting on the couch with my cell phone. This is the first time he had ever climbed up there before. It was so crazy to look in and see him sitting there playing with my phone! So now he's gotta learn how to get down so he doesn't fall off. So here's my big boy!